Wednesday, December 13, 2017

OIM: Application Instance not visible in catalog

Check if the application exists in the APP_INSTANCE table:
select * from APP_INSTANCE where APP_INSTANCE_NAME like '<put application name here>';

If the application does not exists, you will have to either load or create an application first before it can be requested/viewed by catalog.

If the application instance is present, query the catalog table and check if the application is present in the catalog table:
select entity_name, ENTITY_DISPLAY_NAME, IS_DELETED, IS_REQUESTABLE from catalog where category = 'ApplicationInstance' AND entity_display_name like '<put application name here>';

If you get a result, it will mean that application is present in catalog but will not be requestable. Set 'IS_REQUESTABLE' flag to 1 and your application will be reflected in catalog.

If no result is returned by the query, it means that application is present in the application instance table but not in catalog table. To synch up the data, execute the OOTB scheduled task 'Catalog Synchronization Job' with the following parameters:
  • Process Application Instances : YES
  • Updated Date: Set to blank
  • Mode: Full
Post the successful execution of the job, the application will be reflected in catalog.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

OIM: Password Updated Task Not Triggered When Updating Password in Process Form

In OIM and higher versions, when updating the Password field of process tasks, the Password Updated task is not triggered. All other <Field> Updated tasks are triggered successfully.

Starting with OIM 11g R2 PS2, account passwords need to be updated using the Reset Password operation from the Accounts sub-tab. Password modify operation in the process form will not honor account password changes. This change was done by Unpublished BUG 16518024 - CHANGE ACCOUNT PASSWORD SHOULD ALLOW CUSTOMIZATION

Use the Reset Password operation from the Accounts sub-tab.


WSM-02120 : Unable to connect to the policy access service.

There may be multiple reasons for this error. The wsm-pm deployment may be down, check the status of the same from weblogic deployment.

If it is up and running, the "Use JSSE SSL" flag may be enabled on the AdminServer.

  1. Login in to the Weblogic Console
  2. Navigate to Environment > Servers > AdminServer > SSL > Expand Advanced
  3. Uncheck 'Use JSSE SSL' flag.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/sql/BfileDBAccess

Add "ojdbc6.jar" driver to the classpath of your project.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Remote JDBC disabled

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Remote JDBC disabled

  1. Edit the file located at $DOMAIN_HOME/bin i.e $MW_HOME/user project/domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/bin.
  2. Update WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ENABLED value from false to true. i.e WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ENABLED="-Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled=true"
  3. Restart the servers. Tunneling result unspecified - is the HTTP server at host: '' and port: '' a WebLogic Server? Tunneling result unspecified - is the HTTP server at host: '<Host Name>' and port: '<Port Number>' a WebLogic Server?

  1. Login into weblogic console.
  2. Go to the Environment > Servers > <Server> Protocols > HTTP and set Enable Tunneling= true,  where <Server> is the server running at the port specified in the error

Friday, December 8, 2017

OIM: Task Assignee not visible in track request

Sometimes, after you deploy your composite and raise a request which in turn invokes your custom composite, the following situation is encountered:
1. Request status shows 'Request Awaiting Approval'.
2. Task is assigned to the correct assignee and the assignee can see it in his/her inbox.
3. When anyone tracks the request, the request assignee are not visible.

This is because, the task was not correctly associated with the request.
To associate the task,
1. Open your .bpel file in jdeveloper.
2. Double click on the human task that was invoked.
3. In the 'Initiator' field in 'General' tab, give the login of the requester:

4. Now, navigate to 'Advanced' tab and give requestID in the 'Identification Key' field.

5. Redeploy the composite and test.